I’ve been visiting Greece for a few years in a row. By my experience, I can tell you that Melissani cave is definitely a place you have to visit. It’s located on the island of Kefalonia near the town Sami. If you are having your holiday at Lassi, you can enjoy driving to the Melissani cave as Kefalonia is famous for its nature. You should know that the roads are narrow and full of curves so you’ll probably travel a bit longer than expected. When you arrive you will need to buy tickets which costs 7e per person (boat ride is included in price) so there your adventure begins! The ride lasts 20-25 minutes, and that's more than enough for observing.
    Melissani cave was ( by the Greek mythology ) home of Nymphs, divine spirits who animate nature, often described as beautiful creatures who love to sing and dance. If you want to know more about them you should read a poem by Heinrich Heine, Lorelei and remind yourself of a power that women have.
    The lake’s bottom is covered with rocks and water seems so peaceful and heavenly (you will freeze if you try to put your hand into the water because it’s freaking cold) and you can also take a longs sleeve shirt with you because of temperature difference. The guide was especially nice, he was singing and telling jokes all the way. At the end, he’ll probably ask for a tip which is okay since he really put an effort to make us smile, even though his jokes weren’t that funny.
     If we're talking about the tour itself, you 'll be making a round trip around the first roofless hall. Then the boat passes the island on the opposite wall, where you're going through the small channel. After that, you'll come into the second chamber, which is bigger and that hall contains big stalactites and stalagmites.Kefalonia is a place where earthquakes are common so because of that the shape od the cave has changed during time.
     Here are some pictures of the cave inside, be sure that there is no difference between pictures and reality.


                                     Pecina Melisani

Posećujem Grčka letovališta već nekoliko godina. Po mom dosadašnjem iskustvu mogu da kazem da je pećina Melissani definitivno mesto koje treba posetiti. Nalazi se na ostrvu Kefalonia, u blizini grada Sami. Ako letujete u  mestu Lassi, možete uživati u vožnji do pećine Melissani jer je Kefalonija poznata po svojoj prirodi i pejzaži koje cete videti su neprocenji. Treba da znate da su putevi uski i puni krivina, pa ćete verovatno putovati malo duže nego što očekujete. Kada stignete treba da kupite ulaznicu koja košta 7e po osobi (cena obuhvata ulazak u pećinu I vožnju čamcem u pratnji vodiča). Ona traje 20-25 minuta, a to je više nego dovoljno vremena da vidite sve I čujete kratku priču o samoj pećini.
Melissani pećina je po grčkoj mitologiji bila stanište nimfa, božanskog duha, često opisivanog kao prekrasno stvorenje koje voli da peva i pleše. Ako želite da znate više o njima, trebalo bi da pročitate pesmu Hajnrih Heine-a, Lorelei i podsetite se na moć koju žene imaju.
Dno jezera je pokriveno kamenjem, a voda se čini tako mirnim i besprekornom (I ako izgleda kao staklo,ne bih preporučivala da stavljate ruku u nju obzirom da je jako hladna), možete poneti dug rukav sa sobom zbog temperaturne razlike. Vodič je bio posebno prijatan, pevao je i šalio se možda čak I više nego što je trebalo. Na kraju će verovatno zatražiti bakšiš,a druga grupa će uveliko da čeka.
Što se tiče same vožnje,prvo se obilazi deo koji nije natkriven I to je upravo ono što ostavlja najveći utisak. Nakon toga se ulazi u pećinu gde vam sledi priča o formiranju stalaktita I stalagnita, manje zanimljiv (bar za oči) deo putovanja. Treba znati da je sama pećina trpela promene obzirom da su zemljotresi na Kefaloniji česti.
Evo nekoliko slika pećine unutra, budite sigurni da nema razlike između slika i stvarnosti.
